Construction jobs going unfilled
Posted by Staff (05/09/2013 @ 3:49 PM)

The numbers for new home construction have been steadily getting better, and that has been having positive effects on the job market. But this article explains how many construction jobs are going unfilled as contractors are having a tough time finding qualified workers, particularly in markets that got hit hard in the housing crisis.
This presents excellent opportunities for unemployed workers will to do this type of work. You have to be a self-starter and be willing to learn new skills like dry wall installation, but the jobs are out there.
More construction jobs added
Posted by Staff (01/05/2013 @ 7:19 AM)

Warren Buffett famously declared that the slumping US economy would have trouble rebounding until housing stabilized and we started seeing new construction jobs. Well, there’s been plenty of good news on the housing front, and now we’re seeing good news on construction jobs in the latest jobs report.
After five years of hemorrhaging jobs, the construction industry has become one of the bright spots of the labor market — a hopeful sign that one of the most damaged sectors of the economy may finally be starting to heal.
Overall, the government’s monthly jobs report, released Friday, showed continued modest growth in December. The economy added 155,000 jobs, on par with the monthly average for both 2012 and 2011. The unemployment rate remained at 7.8 percent.
But a closer look reveals that nearly one-fifth of the jobs created were in construction, marking only the third time since the recession ended in June 2009 that the industry has added 30,000 workers or more. The surge capped one of the largest three-month gains the sector has seen since the recession began in December 2007.
The return of construction jobs is an especially critical component of the economic recovery. That’s partly because of the sheer number of jobs lost — more than 2 million since 2007 — but also because of fears that many of those workers’ skills may not translate to other industries, rendering them permanently unemployable.
This should help to turbocharge the overall job market. If you’ve given up looking for work, not is the time to get back at it.
Posted in: Your Career
Tags: construction career, construction industry, construction job opportunities, construction jobs, construction openings, construction workers, I need a job, job openings, job opportunities, job search, jobless claims, jobs in construction, looking for jobs, unemployment, unemployment numbers, unemployment rate, US unemployment, weekly jobless claims
Unemployment falls in the states
Posted by Staff (12/20/2011 @ 11:20 AM)

The good economic news continues.
Unemployment rates fell in 43 states in November, the most states to report such declines in eight years.
The falling state rates reflect the brightening jobs picture nationally. The U.S. unemployment rate fell sharply in November to 8.6%, lowest since March 2009. The economy has generated 100,000 or more jobs five months in a row — first time that’s happened since 2006, before the Great Recession.
Only three states reported higher unemployment rates in November, the Labor Department said Tuesday. Four showed no change.
Other good news today came in the form of housing starts. People aren’t buying home so many people are renting. Now the construction market is responding as more apartment buildings are going to be built. This might be good news for construction workers around the country.
Posted in: Your Career
Tags: construction career, construction industry, construction job opportunities, construction jobs, construction openings, construction workers, jobless claims, jobs in construction, unemployment, unemployment numbers, unemployment rate, US unemployment, weekly jobless claims