What International Students Should Think About Before Attending College in the United States Posted by Staff (05/10/2015 @ 6:28 AM) Here’s a great infographic on what international students should think about before attending college in the United States: 
How to get educated and make money without going to college Posted by Staff (04/17/2014 @ 5:36 AM) 
A college education just isn’t for everyone. You might already know that it’s not for you, or maybe you’re sitting in your dorm room reading this and feeling that familiar squirm in your gut…either way, rest assured that there are other ways to have the career you want, without suffering through college. There are so many resources online, even on Facebook that can help you find your career or your true calling. It may seem impossible in this world where every man and his dog seem to have a college degree, but let me tell you, it is possible, if you are clever, determined, and hard-working. Here are a couple of important things to remember along the way. Find your passionWhat do you love? What do you enjoy? Once you find what you truly love to do, you will be able to find ways of making money doing it. You may need to be resourceful, for example: if you enjoy thrill-seeking and fast-paced action sports, you might be the kind of person who would enjoy Forex trading. The Forex world is incredibly quick, with the difference between two seconds potentially meaning the difference between ten thousand dollars and nothing. (For more information about Forex and currency trading visit www.knowledgetoaction.com.au) Find what you love, and you’ll love making money doing it. Read the rest of this entry » Colleges are losing pricing power Posted by Staff (05/06/2013 @ 9:00 AM) After years of relentless tuition hikes, many colleges and universities are facing a backlash and more students and parents are looking at value. They don’t want to be stuck with outrageous student loans, and now many private colleges are offering record financial aid to keep classrooms full. Posted in: Your Education Tags: affording college, college, college affordability, college costs, college education, cost of college education, crippling college costs, dramatic rise in tuition, going to college, is college worth investment, picking a college, reducing college costs, soaring costs of college, soaring tuition costs, tuition costs, value of college
Movement for $10,000 college degree Posted by Staff (01/04/2013 @ 7:17 AM) 
The value of a college education has been a hot topic, along with the issue of the college loan crisis. With that backdrop, we’re starting to see some momentum behind the movement for what’s being called the $10,000 college degree. With the cost of going to college already more than $30,000 a year at many California campuses, is it possible to earn a bachelor’s degree for just $10,000 – total? Assemblyman Dan Logue hopes so. Borrowing an idea being promoted by Republican governors in Texas and Florida, the Republican Assemblyman from Linda has introduced a bill that would create a pilot program in California for what he’s billing as a $10,000 bachelor’s degree. The degree would be available to students majoring in science, technology, engineering or math disciplines. Assembly Bill 51 calls for closer coordination between high schools, community colleges and California State University campuses and targets three regions for the pilot: Chico, Long Beach and Turlock. Participating students would earn some college credit in high school through Advanced Placement classes and greater access to community college courses. The bill calls for participating community college students to go to school full-time. CSU campuses, moreover, would be required to freeze tuition for those in the program. Tuition at CSU right now is $5,472 a year. Books and campus fees cost another roughly $2,000 annually. A statement from Logue said his proposed $10,000 degree would include textbooks. It does not cover living expenses such as room and board.
You’ll note that it’s governors in Texas and Florida, both Republicans, who have started this movement, and it is being embraced by prominent conservatives. I would suspect that Democrats would happily go along, so this could be a significant bi-partisan movement. Posted in: Your Education Tags: affording college, college, college affordability, college costs, cost of college education, crippling college costs, dramatic rise in tuition, going to college, is college worth investment, picking a college, reducing college costs, soaring costs of college, soaring tuition costs, tuition, tuition costs, value of college
Dealing with rising college costs Posted by Staff (12/16/2012 @ 6:12 AM) 
The issue of rising college costs is a hot topic these days, as young students and families grapple with the issue of how to pay for a college education. Too many young people are saddled with crippling college debt, and as this has gained more attention, it has certainly focused the minds of many Americans as they weigh their options. Universities are reacting as well, and some of the trends are very promising. Davidson College has created an innovative no-loan policy. “When I got my acceptance letter and my tuition bill, it told us that everything was mostly paid for,” she recalls. “I had heard something about Davidson’s no-loan policy, but it didn’t make sense because it sounded too good to be true. My mom was like, ‘This can’t be right. We need to go talk to them.’ ” The admission counselor explained that, because of the Davidson Trust, the school was able to cover 100 percent of demonstrated need without loans. Her mother cried. “At the time, I felt kind of embarrassed. When we walked back to my car, she said, ‘I’m so happy. I feel like I should make [the counselor] something.’ ”
Other schools like Harvard are also making it much easier for students to get grants instead of loans in order to lower the student debt burden. Families and students need to do their research, and you have to factor in costs and debt into your decision. Otherwise students will have this debt hanging over them for much of their careers. You can read more about the student debt crisis and the value of a college education versus the costs here, here and here. Read all of these materials, and you’ll be much more prepared for the decisions you’ll have to make. Posted in: Your Career, Your Education Tags: affording college, college, college affordability, college costs, college education, cost of college education, crippling college costs, dramatic rise in tuition, going to college, is college worth investment, picking a college, reducing college costs, soaring costs of college, soaring tuition costs, tuition costs, value of college