How Distance Learning is Paving the Way for the Future
Historical Significance of Online Programs
The option of attending college via online resources provides many students with alternative and convenient ways to achieve their educational goals. In 1892, the University of Chicago offered the first distance learning program, which enabled the school to provide course materials to students who could not attend campus classes. Overtime, more institutions began to integrate programs that allowed students to choose online courses to complete the requirements for certain degrees. For instance, by 1960, the University of Illinois implemented an intranet for students, and in 1997, the California Virtual University was established. Today, hundreds of accredited postsecondary institutions in the U.S. offer virtual programs for undergraduate and post baccalaureate programs, like Lindenwood University.
Most college students are benefitting greatly from the ability to successfully manage schooling along with other personal obligations, like employment and family commitments. They can also avoid much of the costs associated with traveling back and forth to attend classes and residing on campus. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, more than five million students across the country were enrolled in distance learning courses in 2013.
Technology with Online Postsecondary Schools
The continuous improvement of technological advances allows postsecondary institutions to provide students with more efficient online resources to access course materials, complete examinations, attend classes, review their progress and gain direct feedback from instructors. Technologies also provide instructors with platforms to teach live classes to multiple students and allow students to communicate with the instructor and other students during the sessions. These virtual classroom settings allow students to have similar experiences as if they were attending on campus lectures.
Demand for Distance Learning
The demand for online education around the world is increasing rapidly, providing people of different ages the opportunities to work towards attaining degrees while managing other obligations in their lives. Some students may choose to exclusively take online courses, while others maintain a balance between completing both online and on-campus classes. Many educational experts also believe that distance learning programs may eventually replace the traditional method of sitting in a lectured classroom.
Posted in: Your Education